Upload Your Data

Use Your Phone or Computer: This function is appliciable for both the mobile app available on IOS and Android platforms. This data will be visibile online and automatically syncs with the desktop view. Once any data has been entered it can always be edited and organized to suit your needs.

Never Lose Track Again! All of the record keeping is made easy with Receipt Tracker and you will never have any issues keeping track of expenditures again. There is a built in counter to help you keep track of expenses up to the current date.

entering data on laptop from receipt

Include Receipt Photo

Simple Photo Snapshot and Upload! Simply take a picture of your reciept with your phone and upload it through the app. Never have to keep a physical receipt agian. No more hassling with all of that paperwork when you can get online or on your app and take a look at the receipt to reference it at any time.

receipt on computer monitor